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4 weeks out-

Do not use any lash or brow enhancing serums in the treatment area for at least 30 days prior to treatment.

No tinting or brow lamination within 4 weeks prior to brow appointments.

Cease retinol use in the area 4 weeks prior to treatment


2 weeks out-

No direct sun exposure 2 weeks prior to treatment. 


1 week out-

Cease intake of fish oil supplements 


24 hours prior-

Do not take Nurofen or any other blood thinning medication or consume alcohol 24 hours prior to your treatment 


The day of receiving your new cosmetic tattoo-

Do not consume caffeinated beverages or consume blood thinners such as neurofen on the morning of your treatment. (Panadol is fine to take)

We suggest that you wash your hair the morning of your appointment as it will be more difficult to do so for the week after your procedure which will be outline in your aftercare instructions.


Do not touch the tattooed area with your fingers as it is an open wound.


Do not wet your brows for 7 days.


No excessive sweating or heat for 7 days.


Apply the aftercare balm with a Q-Tip twice a day for 7 days or until the balm runs out. 


Do not put anything else on the brow area for 7 days. This includes cleansers, moisturisers, makeup, sunscreen etc.


After this 7 day period you may cease applying cream and resume your normal routine.



 If you have a skin condition like eczema, psoriasis, keratosis pilaris and dermatitis your skin is in a constant state of unrest and shedding and therefore won’t hold the pigment very well.


The same goes for conditions like chronic acne and rosacea. The inherent nature of this type of skin causes easy bleeding, which once again means your skin will not retain the colour properly.

If you have been taking acne medications such as accutane or retin-a within the last year you have an altered skin condition that will not heal well after the procedure. It’s very important that you wait a year before tattooing the skin. Retinol and vitamin a are very similar and should be discontinued to use a month prior to the procedure.


Moles, bumps, and any raised skin will also be unable to retain the pigment.

Cosmetic tattooing is not suitable if you’re prone to keloid scarring.

It is important to not be sunburnt for your procedure.  

You cannot have any skin treatments done 4 weeks either side of your cosmetic tattoo treatment.


Regarding Microblading- 

Excessively oily skin is unsuitable for eyebrow feathering as the strokes will blur together and give off an unwanted solid effect instead of a naturally feathered look. Deep wrinkles can make the overall look appear uneven, there for we can't guarantee results in this skin type. In the case of oily or mature skin, an Ombre Powder Brow would be more suitable


If you had permanent makeup done previously you will need to send a clear close-up photo of your existing tattoo to determine if we can work with your existing tattoo or if you need to consider removal prior to the procedure.




You cannot be pregnant.


If you're breastfeeding you must pump and dump 2 feeds post cosmetic tattoo.


If you have diabetes, haemophilia or a heart condition it is absolutely not recommended that you get any form of permanent, make up done as this puts you in a high-risk position.


If you’re undergoing chemotherapy you will have to wait until your treatment is finished.  It is recommended to wait 12 months and you will require a letter from your doctor confirming it is safe to proceed.


Trichotillomania can cause scar tissue in the skin to be prominent, which does not allow the colour to heal properly. 


Accutane/retin-a - if you have been taking acne medications such as accutane or retin-a within the last year you have an altered skin condition that will not heal well after the procedure. It’s very important that you wait a year before tattooing the skin. Retinol and vitamin a are very similar and should be discontinued to use a month prior to the procedure.


Eyelash and eyebrow growth serums bring extra circulation to the area which results in more growth of hair/lashes. This can cause the skin in that area to be hypersensitive and bleed easily. It is recommended to discontinue the use of these products at least 3-6 months before your treatment.


If your appointment is booked during an outbreak of cold sores on your lips the procedure cannot be done. 


Please be aware that if you have the herpes simplex virus, the treatment may trigger an outbreak. If you have this virus it is absolutely essential to take an anti-viral medication such as Zovirax 5 days before, on the day of and 5 days after your treatment or as advised by your doctor or pharmacist.

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